February 1, 2012

Folfox - 9 Completed

9 Down 3 to go (75% Complete)
The Chief

Number 9 completed - onto the double digits - March cannot get here quick enough.  Time to head back into the funk.  

Joey Bag-O-Donuts hang in there - you will be vertical before long - hope the ice cream gets you closer to your goal - i think it is helping me - at least i keep telling myself that.

Lastly, before i go i must payback my skate mates for the apparent bias they are suffering from reading this blog and wanting to lay claim to some of Boston's finest - so this one is for you Billy!!!

Orr as a Blackhawk (ouch) - don't forget he gave his paychecks back.

Orr as a new Bruin

Orr as a mighty Bruin
Orr as the top Bruin

Orr as the Biggest Bruin

Stay healthy - 

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