April 17, 2012

ALF's Revenge

Good news - finally got the NG tube removed last night and was treated to a cranberry juice dinner.  Have been upgraded to a clear liquid diet for the today - so lots of gelatin, juice, sorbet and broth - usually i would be anxious to get this moved up to a full liquid diet but after last weekend i am more than ok with moving along slowly................

Feels like the colon is starting to try and wake up so that is a good sign - now that things are starting to move along Alf is fighting back from the inside now.  Quite painful when anything passes the surgery site where the intestine was sewn back together - but if it wasn't painful it wouldn't be my problem right?

Maybe solids tomorrow - at least the bruins are winning - something to look forward to.  Who knows whats going on with the Sox - do you think Valentine is regretting his decision yet?

Stay Healthy


Anonymous said...

Hey Chris- glad to hear your diet is advnacing, slowly. My God.. your body has been through so much. I know you'll take it slow and easy as your GI system continues to "wake up". We're all thinking of you here in Florida. Love, Karen

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are "on the road back to full recovery" AGAIN!! The first time was a fire drill - now we are talking turkey! Stay strong and realize your are in our prayers, Love, Mom