January 6, 2012

7 Down 5 to go (58% Complete)

Who can forget!!!!
Folfox-7 completed today - just 5 more to go and then we get to say Goodbye to Alf.  Everything seems to be going well - blood counts etc... are all staying normal so we trudge on to the finale.

Thoughts and prayers go out to Joe (Joey bag-o-donuts) Snyder who will be going in for back surgery soon - hopefully everything goes smoothly - lucky for him his wife is a nurse.  May have to send a Harley out this way for a little love while he recuperates.  

Congrats to Sandy Mangine for making it out of District 9 - hopefully the recovery is going smoothly.  Fortunately for you my 2nd favorite nurse is in charge - go gettum Di.

Finally - thanks to Dr. D, Aunt P and Danny - you guys send the funniest cards - i really enjoy them and they crack us all up every time -

Stay healthy-

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