January 19, 2012

Folfox-8 Underway- and misc Information

Started Folfox-8 yesterday- all counts seem to be holding.  For some reason i had very little symptoms after Folfox-7 so my guess is No. 8 will pay for that.  The doctor told me i am easy to treat - i am hoping that leads to positive results.  All this talk about the neuropathy and how it has affected my guitar playing has led my Oncologist back to taking lessons which ironically is from the same teacher i have taken lessons from the last few years (Mark Hanson - grammy winning artist) - i am hoping i get a discount in this somehwere.  Sooo i get to carry, sleep and hold my pump for the next few days and than it will be removed on Friday thus completing No. 8.

Additional goings on:

Auntie Sue came out from NY to help hold down the White House while Amy was off travelling for work.  Fortunately i was non-symptotic most of the week so i go to hang with sue although i think she now thinks this is all made up and there are no symptoms related to the chemo.  The boys were very excited to learn that auntie loves to bake and they were treated to all sorts of wonderful baked goods through out the week for breakfast and dinner - unfortunately they now expect that - so it will take them a little time to come on back to reality.  Although it was a long time to be away from her two wonderful daughters and husband - the week ended with a day at the spa with the birthday girl and party to boot complete with a birthday cake from amy's favorite bakery (long story - ask sue).  This is the magical time of year when amy and i are the same age (at least until February 21) so no old man jokes for a little while.

Ahh - the yummy cake
The Sisters.................

The couple - all the same age (it's a secret)
 Uncle Jerry made another visit to the great NW and was treated to surprising the boys first at sebby's basketball game and than onto aidan's.  We all than went out to dinner and made uncle J pay - thank you very much.  did not get a photo this time - can't remember if we forgot or uncle was sooooooooooooo tired with everything going on back in Bostson - we think it is time for a respite to White's Landing for some down time.

Last but not least - we were treated to another great meal from Pat Sanchez last night which ironically turns out to be sebby's favorite- pulled pork slider with cole slaw and mango salsa (sebby has his own hot sauce i think the salsa was my favorite).  We had alot of fun having supper and hanging out with pat - and we remembered a photo this time for the blog - although pat was almost out the door and into the car.
Pat Sanchez and Chris

And finally - thoughts and prayers out to:

Sandy Mangine and family - finally made it out of district 9 after quite an adventure and is now recuperating at home - hope the recovery goes quickly - can't ask for any better nursing.

Joe Snyder and Kathy - Joey bag-o-donughts is a recent escapee from district 9 and is now home recuperating from back surgery in Virginia - hope the recovery goes quickly and smoothly and you get back to a pain free vertical state.

All for now -

Stay Healthy -

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey---is there any cake left????Love, Mom